Write a 2/3 to 1 page, single spaced, essay dealing with the case Robot Druggie

Write a 2/3 to 1 page, single spaced, essay dealing with the case Robot Druggie
In your answer, you should follow this short outline here:
1. In a sentence, state what is the important ethical problem in this case.
2. In a few sentences, state a solution or a way to reach a solution to this problem.
3. State which one ethical theory you think best fits this ethical problem & its possible solution.
(there are 7 ethical theories to choose from, pick one).
4. Explain why you think this ethical theory fits best (like a mini-argument)
Don’t define the ethical theory in your answer: Don’t summarize the case details. Just give a succinct argument
The argument should be about half a page, single spaced, longer is okay, shorter & you lose points.
WARNING: Robot Druggie case is about the coders, the art project, and the coding– don’t make it be whether to blame robots!

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