❗️Please listen to this episode of Lore titled, “Mary, MaryLinks to an external

❗️Please listen to this episode of Lore titled, “Mary, MaryLinks to an external site.” before completing this assignment. Then, I urge you to also read the Wikipedia
Write 5-10 sentences that anthropologically analyze the story. You may want to address any of the following questions:
Were the narrators reliable? You may want to address the podcast host, Lurancy, or the Roffs in this response.
What type of altered state of consciousness was present in this event?
What was the spiritual worldview of the time? How might this have influenced the people’s interpretation of the events?
What was the scientific worldview of the time? How might this have influenced the people’s interpretation of the events?
How is possession used to explain misfortune in this time?
How is spirituality used to explain illness in this time?

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