Professor Woke decided to create a new course around the theme of Ethical AI. As

Professor Woke decided to create a new course around the theme of Ethical AI. As she browsed the internet for stories about the abuse and misuse of AI, she became saddened by all of the problems out there that developers didn’t even seem to be aware of. She worried that the tech backlash against technologists because of this misuse would override the potential benefits that AI could have for society. She also worried that developers, even if they hear about this abuse, would not be mindful enough to want to fix the problem. She wonders if she should just give up and take those offered jobs in corporate management, which actually pays much better with less worries.
It is your task as a student to convince Professor Woke that, as a technologist, you understand some of these problems with AI misuse and have ideas about how to address some of the corresponding bias and unfairness issues.
Please note: Do not just copy and paste information from articles.

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