Why should we take care of our planet? Earth, A planet that has witnessed many d

Why should we take care of our planet?
Earth, A planet that has witnessed many different forms of life and five past extinctions. Since the dawn of civilization she was cherished and called by many different names. The ancient Greeks called her Gaia and the Romans as Terra. We only have one planet that we call home. This blue and green orb will forever be the crown Jewel for all of Human-kind! As she once took care of us, we should start and continue taking care of her.
We have all benefited from this beautiful planet.
-For my first main point I will share why programs like the Washington Conservation Corps are Important for land conservation. WCC was created in 1983 and modeled after the civilian conservation corp. that was formed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. WCC members restore critical habitat, build trails, and respond to disasters. WCC completes environmental services across the State of Washington. The Washington Conservation Corps is a subagency of the Washington State department of ecology.
-The Washington State Department of Ecology is the State of Washington’s environmental regulatory agency. Created in February 1970, it was the first environmental regulation agency in the US, predating the creation of the EPA(environmental Protection Agency) by several months.
With forests’ ability to soak up carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, they are often referred to as the planet’s lungs. Victor Gorshkov said” Forests are the planets beating heart, too”.
-Second point: My second source will explain how forests can help with climate change and how trees are carbon storage heroes. My second source comes from a USDA Forest Service news article that Amy Androff wrote on August 11,2021 for the Forest production Laboratory.
-The Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) is the national research laboratory of the United States Forest Service, which is part of USDA. Since its opening in 1910, the FPL has provided scientific research on wood, wood products and their commercial uses in partnership with academia, industry, tribal, state, local and other government agencies. The focus of the Forest Products Laboratory is to promote healthy forests and forest-based economies through the efficient, sustainable use of the Nation’s wood resources.
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