b. One major Theme from this case c. Outline of class readings materials relevan

b. One major Theme from this case
c. Outline of class readings materials relevant to this theme
d. Review empirical study relevant to this theme – Answer all questions in I.2.Step2
e. APA reference of this peer-reviewed empirical study
Identify 1 theme (related to class readings) from this life story. Use it to review literature.
(2) Literature review.
(a) class readings – discuss relevant concepts, theories, principles from class readings.
(b) Peer-reviewed empirical studies – review 1 related empirical study (peer-reviewed,
published after 2000, full text with “Method” section, from Psych. databases of College’s website):
– Refer to the Title and Abstract section of the study. What are the research question,
hypothesis, and arguments? (Clearly identify major variables and relationships between them.)
– Refer to the “Method” section of the study. Who are the participants? What are the
specific measurements for each variable? What is the study procedure and research design?
– What are the major findings and conclusions? (Skip the statistics)
– How has the review of this study enriched your understanding on this topic?
Step 3: Analysis and Discussion (25 points).

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