Discipline/Policy Review: Visit a center or school and obtain a discipline polic

Discipline/Policy Review: Visit a center or school and obtain a discipline policy or behavior
policy. Get an actual copy of the policy. Read over the policy and evaluate the policy through
the lens of what you have learned in class this semester. Your review should include a critique
of the policy…what is good and needs improvement. You should reference the book and parts
of our book that either supports portions of the policy or refutes it. Make sure to look over the
rubric and make sure your paper includes all areas required from the rubric.
Behavior/Discipline Policy Evaluation Paper Review Rubric:
Behavior/ Discipline Policy Evaluation – Attach this rubric to your assignment
Students will evaluate the discipline/behavior policy from a local early childhood or school–age
program and write a 1 – 2 page summary of their evaluation. (50 points)
A copy of the discipline/behavior policy MUST be included with your evaluation.
Behavior/Discipline Policy evaluations without a copy of the policy will earn 0 points.
Points Points earned: Quality of evaluation
10 points
Follows Format: Paper is 1 – 2 pages in length. (typed, 1” margins,
double-spaced, font 12 CPI) Appropriate Source: Source of
evaluation is a discipline/behavior policy from a local early
childhood or school–age program
10 points Policy Evaluation: Your evaluation of whether or not the policy is
clearly defined in understandable terms.
10 points Policy Summary: Your summary of the policy: identifying the
behaviors and consequences.
10 points
Policy Reflection on Appropriateness as related to guidance
principles. Your opinion, based on your knowledge of appropriate
guidance practices, regarding the appropriateness of the policy.
(Include supportive information)

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