Readings: In your Stewart & DeNisco textbook, read chapter 3 (Vulnerable Populat

Readings: In your Stewart & DeNisco textbook, read chapter 3 (Vulnerable Populations) & chapter 8 (Clinical Prevention and Population Health)
Vulnearble populations
Clinical prevention and population health
Terminology used in epidemiology
Population health
Levels of prevention
Emergency preparedness and the nurse practitioner
Part 1: Based on this module’s assigned readings from your Stewart & Denisco textbook, answer the following questions and post as an Individual Assignment in the Discussion Forum for this week module:
1. In the community where you live, name two priority issues that need attention to improve on the population’s health.
2. Discuss at least two social deteminants of health (SDOH) that impact on each of those 2 priority health issues in your community.
3. Describe your local community’s emergency-preparedness program.
3. If you plan to set up your primary care practice in this community what type of population will you be focusing on?
4. Have you indentified a vulnerable population within your general population focus? If so, describe.
5. What kind of data will you look for to evaluate the health outcomes of your community.
6. Be creative with this question: Identify one disease condition that is prevalent in your primary care practice. Briefly discuss how you will approach it from the vantage point of the three levels of prevention?

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