100 word responses Compare the different family situations in the novel. How are relationships in the Valjean household different from the Thenardiers’?What does this say about Hugo’s definition of family? What is the role of the character Gavroche in the novel? How is he helping achieve the element of realism? Why does Javert commit suicide? Discuss the different inner and outer conflicts at play with this character. Many claim there are implausible episodes in the novel that could not possibly have happened in this way. Since Les Mis is more of a long poem where “each character is an exception only by the hyperbolic way he represents a generality” (Baudelaire), why do we all believe it generation after generation? There is a clear connection to religion, specifically Christianity, in this novel. How do certain characters and episodes show Hugo’s beliefs about God and man in a traditional 19th century France? Is Valjean a saved soul at the end thanks to the priest or to his own good works? Address one or both of these questions.
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