BA416-Unit 12 Written Assignment – Nursing Home Comparison Instructions Investi

BA416-Unit 12 Written Assignment – Nursing Home Comparison
Investigate costs and payment sources in for profit, not for profit, luxury, and basic nursing homes in your community. (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
What factors contribute to higher costs per month?
What factors contribute to the amount of private pay, insurance-covered, and Medicaid-reimbursed care in these homes?
If you have not had many opportunities to visit nursing homes, select a nursing home in a low-income community and arrange to spend some visiting with residents at a local nursing home.
What are your observations about nursing home care, especially those that may be addressed by public policy?
Post your findings.
Paper Requirements
Length: 2 pages
Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
APA Format

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