Discussion Post Complete THEMAP with short paragraph responses for each section

Discussion Post
Complete THEMAP with short paragraph responses for each section. While there is no length requirement, answers should be thoughtful and complete with evidence from the readings. As always, cite the page you are referring to when paraphrasing and place quotes around quoted material with a proper citation.
Read the relevant chapters from Moore (2018), which summarizes the theorists’ work and provides some historical or social context. The readings from McGee and Warms (2016), or others, will only be that for :
Benjamin L. Whorf
Provide proof that you read the original work of the assigned author as well by referring to it specifically with quotes and page numbers.
Theory: What, if any, is the main theoretical perspective the readings/theorists have in common? Provide a brief summary of how the theory attempts to explain social and cultural phenomena and the types of questions it addresses.
History: What is the historical context of the theorists that shaped the development of the theory? Provide a brief summary of the relevant social forces, scientific advancements, or biographical events in the lives of the theorists that shaped the theory.
Evidence: What types of evidence were collected and analyzed to support the theory? How does the theoretical perspective shape which types of evidence were collected?
Method: What methods, as far as you can tell, were used to collect and analyze the evidence? How does the theoretical perspective shape how the evidence was collected and analyzed?
Application: How was the theory applied to understanding social and cultural phenomena? Do you think the theory can still be applied today? What would be an example?
Problems: What are some flaws you found in the theory or questions you have about the theory? For example, are there any serious gaps in the types of evidence it addresses, is there significant methodological and interpretive bias, etc.

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