Written Assignment/ Book Review Each student is to read the Clarke text and then

Written Assignment/ Book Review
Each student is to read the Clarke text and then compose a book review. This is not a book report rather it is a critical book review.
Writing a Book Review – What should be included in your paper.
State the main topic of the book and the author’s treatment of it. Also explain the development of the thesis, using quotes or references.
Point out strengths and weaknesses in the book
Decide what the author was trying to accomplish.
Look at what the author intended to do and whether or not he did it.
State the reason the author wrote the book.
Consider from what point of view the book was written.
Discuss the author’s style of writing and look at his cohesion, clarity, flow of the text, and use of precise words.
Think about how you were affected by the book and if any of your opinions or feelings changed because of it.
Decide if the book met its goal.
Discuss the author’s descriptions and narration, pointing out whether he explained facts or tried to persuade the readers of the validity of an issue.
You may challenge his assertions/opinions and explain why you disagree with them. Include any information about the author that would establish his authority or that would be relevant to the review.
Analyze whether or not the book suited its intended audience and if it was interesting and thorough.
Summarize with your overall conclusions by restating the thesis and touching on the main points. You may include quotes or references here, but do not put in any new material.
The review should be about two to three pages in length. Not included will be a cover page. Any references should be in APA style.
Written Assignment/ Book Review
Each student is to read the Clarke text and then compose a book review. This is not a book report rather it is a critical book review.
Writing a Book Review – What should be included in your paper.
State the main topic of the book and the author’s treatment of it. Also explain the development of the thesis, using quotes or references.
Point out strengths and weaknesses in the book
Decide what the author was trying to accomplish.
Look at what the author intended to do and whether or not he did it.
State the reason the author wrote the book.
Consider from what point of view the book was written.
Discuss the author’s style of writing and look at his cohesion, clarity, flow of the text, and use of precise words.
Think about how you were affected by the book and if any of your opinions or feelings changed because of it.
Decide if the book met its goal.
Discuss the author’s descriptions and narration, pointing out whether he explained facts or tried to persuade the readers of the validity of an issue.
You may challenge his assertions/opinions and explain why you disagree with them. Include any information about the author that would establish his authority or that would be relevant to the review.
Analyze whether or not the book suited its intended audience and if it was interesting and thorough.
Summarize with your overall conclusions by restating the thesis and touching on the main points. You may include quotes or references here, but do not put in any new material.
The review should be about two to three pages in length. Not included will be a cover page. Any references should be in APA style.

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