Assignment Task The assessment for this module is a 3,000 word essay exploring a

Assignment Task
The assessment for this module is a 3,000 word essay exploring an issue involving clinical and professional leadership in health care.

You can choose one of the following options:

Option 1:
You have been tasked with leading the introduction of a new technique / technology in your team. However you have noticed that many staff are reluctant to adapt their practice and adopt the new technique / technology and you are worried about your project failing to meet its targets. Use one leadership theory and one or two theories related to self-regulation, motivation, communication or organisational change to analyse what might explain staff resistance. Use your chosen theories to analyse how you can support your team to work towards the set targets. You will need to develop a leadership development plan that outlines what you will do and how you will support staff to achieve the set targets. You will need to justify your work with reference to theory and evidenced based sources.

Option 2:
Use one Leadership Theory to explain how you have successfully used leadership skills and abilities to support patient care in your own workplace. See the information below about selecting a relevant leadership scenario and focus on one specific example. If you choose this option you must focus on your own capacity as a leader. You will need to use one theory of leadership to analyse what you did and why it was effective, and what areas of your practice you would do differently in light of your new learning. You may also refer to relevant related theory to help you with your analysis. You must also include a leadership development plan that explains how you will continue to develop your leadership skills, referring to your chosen leadership theory, related theory and evidenced based research to justify your plans.

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