Culminating Project Overview In this Leading Change course, we have discussed is

Culminating Project Overview
In this Leading Change course, we have discussed issues related to organizational change. The culminating project will assist you with synthesizing your prior knowledge with the new knowledge you have gained through the Leading Change course. The objective of this project is for you to demonstrate your leadership knowledge and skills by preparing a memo to a supervisor/manager proposing a change initiative that you feel is important for the organization to implement. You will not be expected to actually submit this memo to your manager; however, preparing the memo will allow you to work through the process of developing an implementation plan for a change for an organization of your choice.
You must earn a grade of 80% or better on this project (and 80% on your posttest) in order to pass this class. You will have three attempts to submit the project. The project is due 5:00PM on the Final Friday of the Term.
Culminating Project Instructions
Use the Change Management Memo Template to complete the project. The template will provide you with details needed for each section of the memo. Following are specific instructions for preparing your memo:
Do not change the format or organization of the template.
Except for the memo heading, all fonts in the memo should be 12 point.
Do not double-space the text of the memo.
Memo should be, at a minimum 3 pages and no more than 7 pages in length (3-5 pages is optimal for this assignment).
Use proper grammar and spelling, along with complete sentence formations in your memo.
This is a professional memo which should reflect professionalism in your writing.
Cite anything referenced in APA format in the text of the memo. Create a separate works cited page at the end of the memo that lists all cited sources.
Special Note about Academic Integrity
This assignment must be your own work and based on your knowledge of the organization you have chosen. Academic dishonesty – plagiarism, copying of someone else’s work will NOT be tolerated (refer to ‘Academic Integrity’ in your course syllabus). This degree program uses TurnItIn, which finds text that matches other sources. Changing a company name, people, dates, using alternative phrases or words, and/or changing the order of words does NOT constitute YOUR original work. Therefore, pick an organization you are familiar with AND that will allow you to complete ALL portions of the Change Management Plan.
Can you pick a change that happens within IT or hospital? I work in Hospital IT- It could be along the lines of on-call coverage, coverage for regional hospitals.

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