Community PowerPoint Many of the aspects of community nursing deal with educat

Community PowerPoint
Many of the aspects of community nursing deal with educating the public on a specific health disparity. This can involve smoking cessation, cancer types (lung, melanoma for example), PTO (power take-off) safety around farm equipment, health maintenance. Each communities’ needs are different and you must be able to adjust your teaching style to meet your audience’s needs.
For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation geared toward your target audience (older adults, children, farmers, teenagers, middle-aged adults, children). You will need to pick 1 community need that you identify and present on the importance of it.
Your presentation must contain the following:
Clearly describe the topic you are discussing and why it is important to your target audience.
Provide resources to the audience that they can access. These must be real resources with addresses and phone numbers that are within the community. Website addresses, social media for the resource, and email are also helpful.
Must contain a minimum of 8 slides. The title and references slides do not count toward your slide minimum.
Project Topic Examples
These are only examples; you are free to choose a topic you are interested in and that the community has a need for.
Chronic diseases: Diabetes, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Mental Health / Behavioral Health
Oral Health
Tobacco use
Substance Abuse
Nutrition – this can be geared toward a specific age group, pregnant women, babies, children, teenagers, geriatric.
Physical activity and Prevention
Vaccination – measles, mumps, rubella for example
This is my topic:
Tobacco use Saudi Arabia

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