I need three (3) separate Journal Critiques that coincides with the topics below

I need three (3) separate Journal Critiques that coincides with the
topics below. The articles should come from different professional journals. The topics are presented here:
– Effective Leadership in Higher Education
– University Safety and Security
– Administration of Distance Education
For each critique, follow these guidelines:
Articles are not to be more than 5 years old.
Current APA format including:
o A title page,
o A reference page, and
o Writing in third person.
Critiques must be a minimum of 2 pages, not including the title page or reference page.
Include the following content:
Summary of author’s position (1–2 paragraphs);
Analysis of author’s premise and the extent to which it is backed up ( –2 paragraphs); and
Response that specifically addresses your agreement/disagreement with author, and why

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