What is the goal: The time has come for us, as a class, to generate a list of re

What is the goal:
The time has come for us, as a class, to generate a list of research topics for our List of Research Paper Topics page. When the time comes to start working on Essay 4 – The Research Paper, we’ll draw from this list to determine what to write about. The purpose of this assignment is for us to work together as a class to come up with a list of research paper topics to draw from for Essay 4.
What you will do:
Before working on this assignment, first make sure that you read the following pages:
Research Introduction: Our Databases
What Makes a Good Research Topic
Based on your reading of the pages linked above, come up with a topic you think you’d like to write about for Essay 4 – The Research Paper. Keep in mind that this paper will be longer than the previous ones (8 page minimum rather than 4) and will require a lot of independent research from you. Choose your topic accordingly.
Visit Academic Search Complete and/or CQ Researcher on our research databases and search for your potential topic. Use the search refinement tools and other search terms until you’ve reduced the amount of returns, and then read the titles and abstracts for the first couple of pages of results. Then, open up a new document in the word processor of your choosing and do the following:
Find the two articles about your single potential topic that, based on their titles and abstracts, you think are the most interesting. You don’t need to read the entire articles yet. Instead, copy each article’s title and abstract, and paste those two titles and abstracts into your document.
Write a short paragraph that addresses:Why did you chose your chosen topic?
What do you find interesting about it?
Bring this printed out to class on Thursday September 14th.
Generating a List
We are going to use these documents to generate a list of topics in class on the day the assignment is due.
Keep in mind that your chosen topic might not be selected. As needed, I will exercise oversight over the topics posted here, which usually takes one of two forms. I will typically either:
Alter a topic to expand it, such that the student who suggested it can still write about their chosen topic but other students will have flexibility Example – if a group puts “mental health of elementary school students during COVID,” I will likely expand that to something like “student mental health during COVID” to allow for a wider variety of approaches
Alter a topic that is not academically appropriate, typically in such a way as to make it academically appropriate while preserving as much of the original topic as possibleExample – if a group suggests “whether or not there is a God,” I will likely adjust this to something more academic and less faith-based, perhaps “Comparative religions” or “How religions change over time.”
Note – What is an abstract?
An abstract is a summary written for a scholarly paper with the intention of telling a prospective reader what is in the paper and if it’s worth their time to read it in full. It is intended to help a researcher determine how best to spend their time when researching, because there’s always more to read and never enough time to read it all.

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