Pick a brand that falls into one of these categories. Pick what your comfortable

Pick a brand that falls into one of these categories. Pick what your comfortable as long as it fits one of the categories below:
 Business-to-Business
 Destination (i.e., Location)
 Corporation (this relates to the overall corporation, not to one of its brands)
 Event
 Ideas / Causes
 Public Character (Acting Celebrity, Politician, Sports Star, Corporate Executive, etc.)
 Personal Branding (branding for yourself)
Put the brand name and the category/industry in the title.
Critique the brand by presenting and reviewing brand elements, various marketing
strategies, relevant competition, and target markets. 
What is the brand equity/identity? Who would be the customer? Build a profile.
Provide a shortlist of what you perceive as the brand’s major strengths and weaknesses.
The goal is to observe how the branding strategy is applied beyond the consumer products of the brand.
NOTE: Traditional consumer products work best for this, but brands bought by government
agencies (i.e., Industrial Products) can also work. If you elect to feature an industrial
product, make sure it is sold as a unique brand rather than being identified only by a
corporate name. This discussion seeks to analyze a brand, not a corporation.
Please provide links to the references used.
Also, please reference the below book if needed
Keller, K. & Swaminathan, V. (2020). Strategic Brand Management (5th ed.). Pearson.
o “Can anything be branded?” (pp. 8–21)
o “Branding Brief 1-2: Branding Commodities” (p. 9)
o “The Science of Branding 1-2: Understanding Business-to-Business Branding (pp. 11-12)
o “Branding Brief 1-4: Place Branding” (p. 19)
o “Branding Brief 2-2: Positioning Politicians” (p. 57)
o “Branding Brief 8-5: Managing a Person Brand” (p. 288)
o “Brand Exploratory” (pp. 302-306)

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