Possible title for paper: Navigating Crisis in The Ministry for the Future and t

Possible title for paper: Navigating Crisis in The Ministry for the Future and the COVID-19 Era
The interpretive problem that I aim to solve in this paper is how to navigate the complex interplay between environmental impact and family dynamics, using “The Ministry for the Future” by Kim Stanley Robinson and my personal experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to showcase how these crises intersect and influence one another. I aim to highlight the importance of recognizing and acting upon these to improve environmental resilience and family well-being.
The primary text to analyze closely is “The Ministry for the Future” and “VOICES-19: Their Legacies Live On”. I want to show how the novel and Covid-19 are similar-the crisis and the pandemic. VOICES-19: Their Legacies Live On will also be used to share narratives of people whom COVID-19 impacted. I, too, will be sharing my personal experience, which can offer a real-world perspective. I would like to add two personal pieces of poetry to add a unique and heartfelt creative touch and expression to my paper. Probably as part of my conclusion.
My main goal for wanting to analyze this text is to showcase the connections between an environmental impact, the world/families, and the experiences humans withstand during crises. I would like for others to understand how these elements influence one another, ultimately by raising awareness and advocating for solutions. By including my personal experience, I hope to pass along the profound emotional impact crises have, and that hopefully can inspire a positive change among others.
-The central question to ask is: How can you use your expertise as a literary critic to think about the interplay described, between individual/personal stories of crisis as it unfolds on a small scale and the larger forces of climate change/pandemic.
-You want to think about the ways this particular interplay gets represented in literature., asking questions like: How does that kind of representation work, through what literary forms and conventions? And how do you see it working in the texts you’ll read closely?
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