This assignment regarding the competitive and macroenvironmental factors that im

This assignment regarding the competitive and macroenvironmental factors that impact a business. You will prepare a SWOT analysis on & Eleven using the company you analyzed in the Unit 1 Assignment for this assignment. As a reminder, your company’s strengths and weaknesses are internal, issues you have control over and can modify. Opportunities and threats are external; matters going on outside your company, in the larger global market.
My chosen company is Attached: & Eleven
Identify chosen company and describe at least three of the following:mission statement
financial information
product information
customer base
Identify and explain three strengths (internal) for the chosen company.
Identify and explain three weaknesses (internal) for the chosen company.
Identify and explain three opportunities (external) for the chosen company.
Identify and explain three threats (external) for the chosen company.
The paper is required to include an introduction, conclusion, and reference list.
The paper is required to include an introduction, conclusion and be at least two double-spaced pages in length, using 11-point Georgia font. For assistance writing a paper or formatting a reference list in APA format, please see the Academic Writer link under Academic Tools.

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