The Supply Chain Council defined supply chain management as Managing supply and

The Supply Chain Council defined supply chain management as Managing supply and demand, sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing and assembly, warehousing and inventory tracking, order entry and order management, distribution across all channels, and delivery to the customer.
In accordance with the above-mentioned definition, write a detailed report about the sustainability in the supply at one of the following topics:
( Green supply chain management )
You can tackle the above topic from different perspectives.
Keys for writing: (example)
Definition, enablers, barriers, motives, strategy, example of the success company, describing the link between those topics with the company performance.
Writing Instructions:
-Group of Two
– Use font 12, single space, times new roman, minimum of 10 pages
-The project will be recognized on its creativity
– Plagiarism check (Less than 20%)
– There will be oral discussion and presentation for each project.
Evaluation will be based on including all the required elements, plagiarism check, references and on your creativity to make a relationship between what you have studied and your project.
A general example of companies without specification

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