Select one current, qualitative or mixed methods scholarly nursing article relat

Select one current, qualitative or mixed methods scholarly nursing article related to your PICOT question (relating to Colorectal cancer) and determine its strengths, limitations, and potential application.
Description of the purpose
Explanation of research design
Discussion of sample
Description of data collection methods
Summary of findings
Strengths of the study (minimum of 1)
Limitations of the study (minimum of 1)
Recommendations regarding potential application for future practice that are insightful and appropriate.
Attach the article to your post, in addition to including the full reference for the article in your post.
During the week, read a minimum of two articles posted by peers and add your thoughts about whether you feel their article would support an EBP change.
The John Hopkins tool does not need to be turned in, it is a worksheet for you to decide what type of article you have.
For full credit, submit your initial post by Wednesday at 11:59 PM MT. Complete your two responses to peers by Sunday at 11:59 PM MT.

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