Essay Format Case Study on Netflix. There are multiple parts to some of the que

Essay Format Case Study on Netflix.
There are multiple parts to some of the questions.
1. What are Netflix’s core competencies?
2. The home video entertainment industry has been thrice disputed since the rise of Netflix. First was the launch of the original model of mailing DVD’s to customer’s residence. Second was when Netflix switched to streaming videos. The third is during the pandemic when multiple new entrants grew or started their video streaming services (Disney plus, HBO Max, Peacock, Paramount Plus, etc.) Explain how the home video entertainment industry dynamics changed during these three phases. Use Porter’s 5 forces to guide your analysis. (Conduct a separate 5 forces analysis for each phase. Include a rating (low, medium, high)
3. How has Netflix’s platform strategy changed from their earlier streaming days to now? (Hint, remember each individual component of the platform model)
4. Netflix growth in the U.S. seems to be maturing. How can Netflix increase demand for it’s services in the United States? What other services could Netflix offer to drive future growth? Choose an acquisition target for Netflix and explain how the acquisition will help Netflix increase demand in the U.S. and justify. (Hint, the acquisition target must be strategically viable) 5. The streaming industry is in a new phase where easy growth is over and streaming services need to become profitable. Additionally, linear TV is in it’s final throws and all media conglomerates are considering vertical integration which will greatly reduce linear TV and make streaming the main access to all content. Given this new industry phase, consider which media company (Netflix, Disney, Paramount, Comcast) will be on top of the streaming industry by the year 2028 and describe how it’s strategy will set it apart from the competition.
APA format for the case study. One main reading and 6 more readings, 7 references in total. I attached the case too.

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