Story Time 5 3030 unread replies.3030 replies. CREATE A STORY This is a fun—and

Story Time 5
3030 unread replies.3030 replies.
This is a fun—and challenging—way to reinforce the meaning of medical words and the word elements is to create a story using the words and word elements from chapter 17-20. The medical words and word elements are to be substituted for words in a appropriate story that you make. Submit your story in the text box below. I will not open file attachments. Once posted you will be able to see others stories and will be able to read and comment/ like others if you choose.
Original post must have:
-a title (5pts)
-use a minimum of 10 different word elements. If terms are repeated in the story, they only count once towards the ten (10) total. (10 pts each).
-ONLY terms on the list below count towards the ten (10) total. Terms in the example are NOT included.
Here is an example story:
The Great Bulge
“Pierre was a (glyc/o) sweet little old man. He suffered from (inguin/o hernia) tissue protruding through wall of muscle in the groin . Pierre suffered great (-algia ) pain. He needs to have it (plasty) surgical repair before the hernia (-megaly) enlarged. Pierre is ready for surgery and will be under anesthesia by a (an-) absence (esthesia-) sensation (ologist) specialist in the study of. The surgeon will make (-tomy) incision into the groin area to ( -rrhaphy) surgical suturing the hernia. The Surgeon can do this repair (lapar/) abdominal wall (-oscopic) examination with a scope.
Here are a list of words to choose from:
1. anxi/o
2. anti-
3. claustr/o
4. -al
5. -arche
6. con-
7. dys-
8. fet/o
9. genit/o
10. a-
11. de-
12. angi/o
13. bi/o
14. carcin/o
15. abdomin/o
16. leuk/o
17. -emia
18. colon/o
19. -centesis
20. lob-
1. -mania
2. narc/o
3. -itis
4. men/o
5. nat/o
6. neo-
7. ger/i
8. geront/o
9. -genesis
10. melan/o
11. -occult
12. -oma
13. onc/o
14. -opsy
15. path/o
16. my/o
17. -gene
18. oste/o
19. tele-
20. tom/o
1. para-
2. -phobia
3. phren/o
4. post-
5. psych/o
6. schiz/o
7. somn/o
8. ped/o
9. pedicul/i
10. -plasia
11. -ology
12. -phagia
13. -penia
14. -pnea
15. presby/o
16. -systole
17. -plasm
18. proto-
19. sarc/o
20. -iatry
1. -tic
2. traumat/o
3. -tropic
4. umbilic/o
5. oxid-
6. agor/a
7. morph-
8. trich/o
9. -ic
10. in-
11. -lepsy
12. ambul-
13. -lytic
14. con-
15. -cide
16. -uresis
17. scoli-
18. -otomy
19. -graphy
20. -scope

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