This assignment will provide the opportunity to reflect upon their own health an

This assignment will provide the opportunity to reflect upon their own health and develop a plan for health promotion, disease prevention or risk reduction. At least 25 slides in powerpoint.
To complete the assignment, please complete the following about improving exercise and physical activity in a Powerpoint presentation:Reflect upon your health and identify an issue to focus on (exercise/physical activity)
Provide background information on your topic.
Identify SMART goals to achieve your objective. Be sure to include at least one short-term as well as one long-term goal.
Identify a plan for change.What is your plan for change (Health Believe Model, Transtheoretical Model, Social Cognitive Theory)?
Identify a theory of health behavior change that you might apply to your experience.
Maintain a private reflective journal that chronicles your experience.
Evaluate progress and goal achievement.Have you achieved your goals, why or why not?
*Sample attached below* Do not plagiarize, use chatpgt, or ai.

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