Your assignment is to create a project proposal in response to the following RFP

Your assignment is to create a project proposal in response to the following RFP which was sent to your company via an email blast to many different web design companies.
Intro / Project Overview — ABC (name of your non-profit) ( social chat is the name of the company) is a non-profit organization in need of a website for our organization. We are searching for a web design company to create a professional website to help us raise awareness of our organization and its purpose.
Company Overview — Our organization is devoted to informing the public about the environmental problem of covid-19 facing our country. We are supported by donations and depend on volunteers to help in achieving our goals.
Your Audience — The audience for the website is the general public and anyone interested in improving the quality of our environment.
New Website Objectives — The main objective of this website is to increase awareness of the problem and inform the public of possible solutions and what ca be done to help solve the problem.
Current Website — Our current website is not professionally designed. We need more interaction and better design.
RFP & Project Timeline Details — The deadline for proposals can be found on our present website.
Your proposal should include the following sections:
Your introduction should make it clear that your proposal is in response to an RFP (request for proposal) that you received in an email.
The purpose of this document is to respond to the RFP that I received on May 16, 2018 regarding the marketing and web design for the non-profit organization known as Save Our Sands. As you will see from my proposal, J and J Marketing and Graphic Design has the experience and talent to create a beautiful yet functional website that will help your organization grow its presence on the web and inform the public about the importance of saving our beaches.
Overview of Proposal’s Contents
This section discusses the need for this website and marketing campaign. For example, you might want to mention how important it is for this organization to make the public aware of the problem and to gain public support for a solution. It is very important that you convince the reader that a good website and marketing plan will help the organization achieve its goals.
In order for any organization to reach a wide audience today, it must have a strong presence on the web as well as on social media. J and J Graphics and Marketing will create an interactive website that will engage readers and encourage them to learn more about the problem and support the solutions that are presented. This website will offer viewers the opportunity to get involved with your organization and donate to the cause. This proposal will outline what J and J Graphics and Marketing can do to make Save our Sands a successful non-profit organization.
Description of the Proposed Plan
Most proposals include a description of the finished product (deliverable). This includes the website you plan to design, the audience you are targeting, and the purpose of the project. Provide an outline that clearly indicate what you plan to produce for the potential client.
You want to include a timeline for the completion of the project. Give a date by which you can have the website live. Then provide a series of milestones for the project. How will the project be divided up? Who will be responsible for the different parts of the project?
Summarize your qualifications to do the work. Include a link to your electronic resume so the reader can immediately visit your site and view all of your qualifications.
Costs and Resources
You want to devote one section of the proposal to outlining the projected costs of the project. You will need to make this up, but do a little research to see how much time it might take to create this website and marketing plan. How much do you charge per hour? How many hours do you think it will take for the research, design, and construction of the website?
Finally, you want to wrap up the sales pitch by urging the reader to get in touch with you to go over details of the project. Remind them of the benefits of doing business with your company.

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