Create OR select a STEM design challenge activity/lesson. Remember that a design

Create OR select a STEM design challenge activity/lesson. Remember that a design challenge involves students using the design processLinks to an external site. to make or create something. NOTE: This should be a design challenge in which you can create an actual physical artifact – NOT something in which you create an online or digital prototype. You should have an actual photograph or video of your design – NOT a screen shot or screen recording.
Common elementary-level examples of a Design Challenge (I’ve done both of these!):
Create a container that will protect a raw egg from breaking if dropped from a height of 12 feet (“the egg challenge”)
Design a bridge that can hold your phone using only dry spaghetti and Play-Doh
Hint: The PBS Kids Design Squad ChallengesLinks to an external site. page has really good ideas for this activity 🙂 – to meet the requirements of this assignment, use one of the ideas under ACTIVITIES (the animation and video challenges won’t meet the requirements for this assignment)
Complete the challenge yourself and document it (e.g., take pictures or video). Remember, this should be a design challenge that involves creating a physical object, not a video/animation/software/etc
On your portfolio page “Design Challenge,” provide the following information:
The title and URL (if from an online source)
A brief summary (1 paragraph) of the lesson. Make sure to identify the math, science, and/engineering concepts from the lesson.
The documentation of you completing the challenge (the pictures or video of your completed artifact).
Identify and describe at least one way to integrate art content/context/tools/applications into the STEM activity to make it a STEAM activity. Explain what you think might be the benefits of this art integration strategy for diverse students. Remember, the arts include visual arts, music, dance, drama, and the media arts.

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