Career Plan Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for th

Career Plan Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for the next step after you have earned your undergraduate degree. This is a multi-step project that involves planning for alternatives. Here are the steps you will take to complete this assignment: 1. Look up the job you are interested in having in the future. Make sure you notice the salaries, whether they differ by state. 2. If this position requires a graduate degree, look up the cost of different graduate programs to determine what is the highest and lowest cost of this graduate degree. 3. You will then prepare or update a resume for job applications. Microsoft Word has some helpful resume templates that you can use as a guide. You can also access courses on LinkedIn Learning or resources from the Career and Talent Development Center on how to build a resume. Your resume should not exceed one page. If the job you’re looking for requires a graduate degree, your resume should then reflect that (you will pretend that you have a graduate degree—the goal here is to give you the opportunity to become informed about the degree you would need for this position). 4. Now, imagine if your ideal career ceases to exist. Perhaps the robots can do it now, you are unable to get the degree needed to be eligible for that job, or maybe it becomes obsolete for some other reason. You will need to create a parallel or alternate plan. To do so, you will first identify your career-related interests, abilities, values, and goals. For example, think about the following questions: a. Why am I interested in pursuing (insert your top choice major here)? b. What do I like most about my current major of interest? c. What classes have I performed well in and what classes have I disliked or struggled with the most? d. What specific careers interest me and why? e. What types of work environments do I prefer? f. What companies would I love to work for and what is my dream job? g. Explore different Majors within your Academic Unit, College, School, etc. h. Look up job opportunities that can be done with the same degree you’re earning now. Take note of the fact that the alternate job you’re interested in requires a different degree and consider if you’d be willing to go back to school for another degree. i. Pay attention to the job salaries for these alternate jobs/careers. 5. Create your parallel plan. When developing a parallel plan, there are several things you should be sure to find out:  Are there any common courses between my current major of interest and my alternative major choice?  What courses differ between these majors?  Are there any application requirements or admission standards that I should know about?  Does this alternative major require a minor? Can I minor in something similar to my current major of interest or top choice major?

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