Consulting with peers is an efficient way to exchange ideas and learn about the outcomes of applied instructional strategies and the teaching and learning experience in the field. The discussions in this course enable you to experience peer consultation as a practice toward meeting standards. Consider classroom diversity and learner needs in this consultation with your peers. Crafting effective instructional strategies is a multi-faceted effort. Instructional strategy design must consider classroom diversity and student needs to level how students meet standards and acquire knowledge and skills. Due Thursday Refer to the Model Code of Ethics for Educators to discuss Principle III: Responsibility to Students. Discuss and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Why students may plagiarize? What emotions and thinking are at the root of plagiarism? Is it really that they want to get out of doing the work and take the easy way out? What about: Fear? Problems at home? Loneliness? Mental health issues? Cultural differences? Economic differences? Language differences? How can careful lesson planning bridge these gaps and meet students where they are? Review the College’s Conceptual Framework. How does this topic link to the College’s Conceptual Framework and the framework’s philosophical relationship to effective teacher preparation?
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