Introduction Quality can take many forms, but it is a goal for many organization

Quality can take many forms, but it is a goal for many organizations. In delivering their products or services, most companies try to improve their customer satisfaction while keeping their costs down and their employees happy. They can take several approaches to the management of quality.
In this unit, we will examine the various definitions of quality, and its components. We will then discuss the importance of proper quality management, and the risks and costs associated with poor quality management.
Reading Assignment
Quality Management (Knowles) Chapters 2 & 3
What Drives Consumers Not To Buy GM Cars?
Discussion Assignment
Read the Article from the July 8, 2007 issue of Business Week entitled “What Drives Consumers Not To Buy GM Cars.”
One contributor writes: “Americans have switched from Detroit Big Three vehicles to Honda and Toyota vehicles not for visual design features but for durability, reliability, good fuel consumption, and low full cost of operation. Detroit needs to offer five-passenger, 35-mile-per-gallon vehicles with 100,000-mile bumper-to-bumper warranties over 10 years of ownership to cause satisfied Honda and Toyota buyers to switch.”
What is implied about what drives quality in these comments? Do customers have unrealistic expectations, or are they demanding their rights? What does this demand for quality drive innovation?
Please answer in 200 words or more. As usual, use your own words – please do not copy and paste from a web site. Be sure to reference your sources.
Then, engage in a dialogue with your classmates on the above issue and any other perspective you may have on the topic. You are expected to make at least three posts to the discussion forum during the course of the discussion period.
Don’t forget to rate the postings of your classmates according to the Rating Guidelines.
Happy discussing!
Learning Journal
In the learning journal, you should record your activities, and record problems you may have encountered, as well as your notes and thoughts about the material. In addition, you should consider the following questions for reflection:
What does quality mean to you? How does good (or bad) quality affect you personally as a consumer? Have you had experiences where your expectations were exceeded, or on the contrary, not met? How did that change your opinion of the organization and its product or service?
Please answer these questions in 300 words or more. Your answer should reflect your personal experience and should be thoughtful and introspective.

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