This is an Argument-of-definition paper, and we chose a word, and my word is hap

This is an Argument-of-definition paper, and we chose a word, and my word is happiness.
gains readers’ interest and willingness to listen
indicates your qualifications to write about your topic
establishes some common ground with your audience
demonstrates that you’re fair and even-handed
states your claim
presents information and context, including personal stories or anecdotes relevant to your argument
Lines of Argument
present good reasons, including logical and emotional appeals, in support of your claim
Alternative Arguments
carefully consider different points of view and opposing arguments
note the advantages and disadvantages of these views
explain why your view is preferable to others
summarizes the argument
elaborates on the implications of your claim
makes clear what you want the audience to think or do
reinforces your credibility and perhaps offers an emotional appeal

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