Posts 1 & 2 – due by 11:59 PM, Thursday November 16, 2023 (6 points) After readi

Posts 1 & 2 – due by 11:59 PM, Thursday November 16, 2023 (6 points) After reading Chapter 6 of the CS 306 Online textbook, choose TWO of the fallacies discussed in the chapter. For each of these fallacies, create an original post describing a short scenario that incorporates that fallacy in an interesting, not-too-obvious manner. (Do not name your chosen fallacy, since that would make it obvious!)
Posts 3 & 4 – due by 11:59 PM, Friday, November 17, 2023 (6 points) Read several of the scenarios posted by your classmates. Choose two that you think you understand, and reply with a post that IDENTIFIES the fallacy you believe they are describing. As part of your post, explain WHY your answer should be considered correct. (For this part of the assignment, you must either choose scenarios with no responses, OR scenarios where you think that the answer posted by a fellow student is INCORRECT. If you choose the latter, explain WHY the initial answer is INCORRECT as well as why your answer IS correct.
1) For Posts 1 and 2; You can write just 1-2 sentences each post (1&2) and that will be enough, it has to be 2 different discussion board posts.
2) For Posts 3 and 4; I have attached 2 screenshots where you have to answer as the instructions are told.
3) Chapter 6 is also attached.

Posted in Law

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