Purpose The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to begin gathering and anal

The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to begin gathering and analyzing the sort of information you will use in your researched argument. Before you can persuasively argue a position on an your chosen topic, you need to have a sense of the history and context of the issue in question, the implications and ramifications of a particular position, and the logic and merits of opposing positions. This assignment will initiate that process.
Your bibliography must include 10 citations:
SIX of the citations should be peer reviewed, scholarly sources.
FOUR of the citations be popular or casual academic sources. These may be academic websites, blogs, popular magazines, news/newspapers, videos, films, etc. BUT they must be credible, strong sources—(pass the CRAAP test).
You can choose to include 7 scholarly sources and 3 popular, but you must have AT LEAST 10 scholarly sources in your AB.

At the top of your bibliography, include your narrowed, working research question based on the preliminary, exploratory research you have done into your research question so far. Then follow the instructions for the Annotated Bibliography entries on the back of this page.
In all, your Annotated Bibliography should contain
Your research question.
Citation entries that conform to MLA format.
An annotation for each citation.

Annotation/ Academic Précis

For each of the entries of your annotated bibliography, write an academic précis. Your bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order by author.

1. The citation of the article or book (according to MLA format).
2. An accompanying paragraph that includes a summary of the article/source’s argument, purpose, and audience (go back to week 2 and 3 for a review of those terms)
3. Include in this summary how you think this source will be useful for your research and argument.
4. Generally speaking, a summary should not be less than 150 words or more than 200 works, though it is okay to go over a little.

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