For this paper, you will research and reflect on an intercultural communication

For this paper, you will research and reflect on an intercultural communication topic of your choice. Your research paper must have an introduction, discussion, conclusion, and recommendation sections. In the introduction, you are expected to define and describe the topic and show its importance in intercultural communication. Within the discussion section, you can discuss the application of the notion with examples from your local context or elsewhere. Your conclusion should bring everything together, and reiterate the main findings you discussed, and the lessons you learned by researching the topic. Finally, in your recommendations, you will include your overall observations as to what needs to be researched more or a related notion that you haven’t seen much research on.
Your research needs to be thorough, detailed, and cited using the standard APA style. Your paper must include a “works cited” section in APA format, which does not apply to the page count. The overall length of your paper, double-spaced, must not exceed two pages.
NOTE: This guide is provided in order to limit the number of errors that tend to recur in student papers.
Class assignments are not written in AP style (news writing style); therefore, the names of newspapers, books, magazines, radio and television shows should be in italics (i.e., USA Today, The New York Times).
Use a comma to separate two independent clauses (complete sentences) connected by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, or, yet, while, nor, etc.).
Ruth wanted to buy an Elvis record, but her parents forbid her from listening to Elvis.
(subject #1 = Ruth) (verb #1 = wanted) (subject #2 = parents) (verb #2 = forbid)
Do not add a comma to a compound predicate (two or more verbs that serve the same subject).
Ruth loved movies and went to the theater every weekend.
(subject #1 = Ruth) (verb #1 = loved) (verb #2 = went)
This paper is based off of my interest in music.
The correct grammatical construction would be:
This paper is based on my interest in music.
Other common colloquialisms include being as or seeing as instead of because.
Being as it was in the public’s best interest, I decided to do it.
The correct form would be:
Because it was in the public’s best interest, I decided to do it.
Another option:
Since it was in the public’s best interest, I decided to do it.
Another common colloquialism is using anyways instead of anyway.
The decision turned out to be in everyone’s best interest anyways.
Anyways is not a word. Anyway is the correct usage.
Use of quotation marks
Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks.
My teacher said, “Always put periods and commas inside quotation marks when you quote someone in print.”
If a question is in quotation marks, the question mark should be placed inside the quotation marks.
He asked,“Will you go to the gym with me?”
If the sentence itself is the question (not the quote) place the question mark outside the quotation mark.
Do you agree with the saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned”?
Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes. Note that the period goes inside all quotation marks.
She said, “Elizabeth said, ‘I am tired of quotation marks.’”
I said, “I agree.”

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