As we complete each developmental age level, we will also complete a draft outli

As we complete each developmental age level, we will also complete a draft outline for your Developmental Lifeline Project. Your Draft outline must be completed for each area before you can complete the final paper and project.
First Two Years (0 – 24 months)
1. First Two Years (0 – 24 months) – Physical
A. Describe physical development during these years.
B. Was this typical or atypical development?
Textbook information about this stage
2. First Two Years (0 – 24 months) – Cognitive
A. Theory/Theorist: Define theory and Stage if a stage theory.
Textbook information about this stage
B. Event/behavior that illustrates the theory:
C. How Event Connects to the theory:
3. First Two Years (0 – 24 months) – Social-Emotional
A. Theory/Theorist: Define theory and Stage if a stage theory
Textbook information about this stage
B. Event/behavior that illustrates the theory:
C. How Event Connects to the theory:

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