Following the Civil War, America grew into an industrial and agricultural powerh

Following the Civil War, America grew into an industrial and agricultural powerhouse. Although the South lay in ruins, Northern capital was invested to begin widespread manufacturing throughout the region for the first time. The West was open to settlement and exploitation of its vast resources of timber, minerals, and agricultural products. The industrial and urban revolution that followed transformed and modernized the United States of America. The immense changes of the Industrial Revolution transformed family structure and gender expectations.
By 1900, it was clear that two new classes had emerged from this transformation: the urban industrial working class, and the urban middle class. What did this transformation mean for these American families? Choose one of the following family situations: the urban industrial working class or the urban middle class. Write about the family objectively, in third person. You may choose the ethnicity, national origin, and race of your family. Explain the family structure and gender roles of your family. Explain the material circumstances (technologies, creature comforts, standard of living, leisure time, etc.) under which the family lived, and how those circumstances had been shaped and/or changed as a result of industrialization. What attitudes and values did these families have, and how had that changed from generations before?

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