REQUIREMENTS: (I’ve attached an outline w/ references for you) 20 Pages minimum

REQUIREMENTS: (I’ve attached an outline w/ references for you)
20 Pages minimum not including Title and Abstract Page. Please the title page and abstract page must be for a Professional paper and not a Student paper. You must have at least 10 references from primary sources, I added 6 for you on my attachment.
Under no circumstances will plagiarism be tolerated!
You CANNOT have any direct quotes in your paper. This means no quotes in quotation marks.
Your entire paper MUST be in APA format, which includes a title page, abstract page, main body of the paper, Method section and a reference page. These are the only sections that you will be including in your paper!!! Professional papers and not Student papers in the APA format!
Do not use any personal pronouns (i.e., you, we, our, I, my, etc.).
Do not use contractions (i.e., can’t, don’t, etc. Instead use cannot, do not, etc.)
You can only use 12-point font size and Times New Roman font style. There should be a one-inch margin on all sides.
Your paper must be ONLY double-spaced. The whole, entire paper should be double-spaced.

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