For this assignment, you will be required to diagnose Christopher using the DSM

For this assignment, you will be required to diagnose Christopher using the DSM criteria and then propose a course of treatment for him. Please remember to include the following information:
The diagnosis (specify the disorders that you believe Christopher meets the criteria for other than ADHD and conduct disorder).
The reasoning/rational for Christopher’s diagnosis.
What other information do you need to know about Christopher to support your diagnosis?
Develop and propose a specific course of treatment for Christopher (group/individual counseling, substance abuse treatment, behavior modification, etc) and explain your rationale for this course of treatment.
Based on what you know about the DSM-V diagnostic system and the structured clinical interview, what are the benefits and drawbacks of these assessments?
Please review the following resources as well as the resources in the “Readings and Resources folder”:
Policies and Practices Surrounding Mental HealthLinks to an external site.
DSM DisordersLinks to an external site.
Identifying Needs Related to Managing Seriously Mentally Ill Individuals in CorrectionsLinks to an external site.
Your assignment should have a minimum of 4 pages and be in APA format. The cover page, abstract and bibliography are not included in the four page minimum.

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