Review the article linked. Complete the assignment using the template linked bel

Review the article linked.
Complete the assignment using the template linked below. Once you click on the link, you will have to download the file so that you can complete the template.
Scholarly Article Analysis Assignment Template
Download Scholarly Article Analysis Assignment Template
The following sections of the article will be used to find the information required to complete the assignment.
Article Information. At the very beginning of the article, you will find the authors’ names, the year of publish, the name of the journal.
The introduction. This is where you will be able to find the information regarding the research the authors discussed that helped shape their research. Within the introduction, you will also find the hypothesis or specifically what the researchers were investigating or better trying to understand to frame their research.
You will need to write a 250-word summary of the Introduction section. Do not use direct quotes or copy and paste. Write the summary in your own words.
Write the hypothesis that the authors developed for this research article.
Method. This is where you will find information about how the authors did their research. Pay attention to the sections on Participants and Measures.

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