am only in charge of presenting the results and discussion please feel free to a

am only in charge of presenting the results and discussion please feel free to add any extra info if you consider is need it follow all the instruction bellow and make sure to include if not all most of the figures and extendate date the slides shouldn’t have a lot of text more visual and make sure to give me a detail script to memorize and do the presentation please don’t mess this up as is the 2n time I ask for the same assigemnt on this site and the 1st time I failed and had to beg to my professor to do it again thank you
to summarize the content of the paper in a style appropriate for a scientific conference. Take the point of view of the authors of the paper and explain what was done, how it was done, and why it was done.
Do not try to criticise the weaknesses or evaluate the importance. Leave that for the class discussion.
How to Present a Paper
50% Did the presentation accurately summarize the important points from the paper, including background information from additional sources if appropriate?
25% Was the material presented clearly and in a well-organized way?
10% Were the slides clear and readable and appropriate?
5% Was the level of explanation appropriate, not too difficult and not too simple?
5% Were the timing and pacing right, and was the speaker loud enough and understandable? 5% Did the speaker project enthusiasm and make the subject interesting?
Time limit: 20-30 min. You will lose points for going over or under the time limits.
Organization for Presenting Results and Discussion
Title: The first slide should have the title of the paper, the authors of the paper, and your name. Results: Present and explain the most significant results from the paper (using figures and tables
from the paper). You can’t cover all the figures if there are too many. Summarize the
conclusions for each result and explain how the results lead to those conclusions. Discussion: Summarize the overall conclusions from the paper, as stated in the discussion. Also
cover any other important points from the discussion, such as how it relates to other
research or plans for future experiments.
References: Add a final reference slide if you used information from sources other than the paper.
here the link to the article but I uploaded a pdf of it 2 just in case :

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