About “Current Events” is a Discussion assessment that encourage students to app

“Current Events” is a Discussion assessment that encourage students to apply what they are learning from the course to a current event.
Estimated Time
An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity.
Every day, news is being made, reported, and reacted to by individuals, communities, societies, and countries.
News in the year 2000 was reported differently than news in 2010. And now, as we approach the second decade of the second millennium, the reporting of news by 2020 will have drastically evolved.
When it comes to politics and public policy, gone are the days of the 3 major news channels, the nightly news, or the Sunday morning talk shows.
We live in a world where current events aren’t a weekly or daily occurrence, but an hourly or minute occurrence.
Step 1: Post
Be sure that your Post should include the following elements:
Link to a news article or news clip that is related to the course topic.
A 5-sentence summary of the news article or news clip.
Step 2: Reply to Peer
Your reply to a peer should include the following elements:
Your opinion about the news article or news clips in 5 or more sentences.
Step 3: Double Check that you Replied
Sometimes we post earlier in the week, and then forget to reply. It happens. Be sure not to forget and double check that you replied!
Visit Canvas Tutorial for Discussions OverviewLinks to an external site. for an explanation of how to complete a Discussion assignment in Canvas.
Rubrics are “a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests”. Every assessment in the course has a rubric. A table of this assessment’s rubric is provided below for students. However, this table is not accessible for some screen readers.
For students using a screen reader, an accessible version of the rubric table can be accessed by scrolling down further or clicking on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the assessment and selecting “Show Rubric”.

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