Minimum requirements: Three posts. One original post minimum of 250 words. Two q

Minimum requirements: Three posts. One original post minimum of 250 words. Two quality secondary responses to classmates’ posts.
Important: Make sure to cite and reference any sources used in your discussion post. This helps ensure the accuracy of your work and gives proper credit to the authors of those sources.
Hi Class,
Years ago, well-known author and management guru, Tom Peters wrote an article for Fast Company titled: “A Brand Called You (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..” From that point forward, we have learned that important branding lessons for products can and should be applied to our personal brands. LinkedIn is one of the best social platforms for personal branding, connecting and sharing, and is regarded as the network for professionals.
For this discussion, let’s look at your personal brand.
Before participating in the discussion, please update or create a LinkedIn account to assist in building your professional network.
After you have created or updated your profile, you are ready to participate in the discussion. Please begin your initial post by providing a link to your LinkedIn profile. If you created a new profile, share what information you chose to highlight about yourself and how this information makes your profile more appealing. If you made changes to an existing profile, share any changes you have made and how those changes make your profile more appealing.
Alternative: if you do not wish to participate, please do some research on reasons why LinkedIn is a good platform for personal branding.
Response to Classmates: Please respond to at least two of your classmates. In your response, try to provide constructive feedback on what works and how they may improve their profile. Examples of constructive feedback might include the length of the profile summary, the strength of the headline that describes who you are and what you do, whether the content (articles or blogs) are being shared, photo, and the number of connections.
A brand called you Link:

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