The file “CPK_Satisfaction_Survey_Data.csv” contains the survey data from a CPK customer satisfaction survey. The data are stored in a csv file. The data layout, and definition for the response scales are available in the “CPK_Data_Description_rev.xlsx” file. See assignment 1 folder under files for both files.
Create an R dataframe from the CPK data file.
Compute the number of observations, mean, minimum, and maximum value for every numeric variable in your data set. This is a basic check for you to see if you have read the data in correctly.
How do the diners rate their overall experience? Is that a good rating? How do the diners rate the overall value? Is that a good rating?
What are the dining experience attributes that are related to higher satisfaction? Run a correlation analysis between the food (Q6a – Q6e), wait staff (Q7a – Q7d) and the physical atmosphere (Q8a – Q8d). Which attributes have the strongest correlation to overall experience?
Run a regression with Q1 as the target variable, and determine which of the dining experience attributes [Q6a-Q6e, Q7a-Q7d, Q8a-Q8d] are significant in predicting the overall customer experience.
Based on the regression results, where should CPK focus their efforts to create a better dining experience?
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