Dear freelancer, please write a 2-page single spaced outline APA-style paper on

Dear freelancer, please write a 2-page single spaced outline APA-style paper on the Khan family (especially on the most famous ones, Genghis and Kublai). So the paper will need around 1200-1300 words. Use the attached instructions for the prompts of the paper.
Full order description: Your 2-page, single-spaced outline will detail the family you have chosen to work on for your course in the first section. The subsequent sections will (1) detail relevant course and other readings, (2) detail the historical background that it is necessary to build a biography around the family you will study, (3) list a set of issues you wish you knew of the family but do not know; (4) mark a sense of how you’d like to write the biography – through what lens and characters, and why? Each outline should include at least 4-6 primary sources, connections to course content, and secondary literature relevant to the student’s chosen topic.Your outline does not have to be word for word account of what you will discuss. Rather, it should be a series of short sentences that another group and the instructor can understand. In short, another group should be able to read your group’s outline and understand how you plan to develop your final paper.

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