No cheating no AI use. USE the materials provided 1.We concluded last week by in

No cheating no AI use. USE the materials provided
1.We concluded last week by introducing labeling theory. In your own words, what is labeling theory?
2. We’ve referenced the concept of “sexual deviance” in our course, but have yet to explore it in depth. In your own words, what is sexual deviance? Is an objective definition possible?
3. Skim thisLinks to an external site. article. Focus on what it explicitly says about deviant action/behavior. How would you tie that to our course material?
GROUP WORK #1: Feminist Perspectives
The labeling of women and girls as deviant is not new. As one writer states when discussing political commentator Ben Shapiro’s criticism of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s hit 2020 single, “Shapiro also felt the need to point out Cardi B’s ‘checkered’ past before diving into his dismissive review of her work. This isn’t surprising, considering that provocative women have often been dismissed as pathological, deviant, or insane throughout history” (Wallace, 2020). Regardless of this long history of labeling women ‘deviant,’ many of the theories we have studied up until this point focus primarily on men and boys. Feminist perspectives are crucial for compensating for these gaps. Our mini lesson overviews some of the topics feminist studies cover, but there are many more. What would you add to our discussion of why feminist perspectives are important for the study of deviance and crime? Put differently, what topics come to mind (either from our class or elsewhere) that reveal the need to consider sex, gender, etc. when studying deviant and criminal behavior?
GROUP WORK #2: Sexual Deviance
Below are some of the “Yes” responses to the “General Social Survey” that we looked at in our most recent mini lesson.
Are any of these results surprising to you? Do these differences between 1994 and 2014 make sense to you? Do you think the data would be different today, nearly a decade later? What do the data tell us about the ways that the population views sex and how it is, or is not, condemned? As always, it is not necessary that you address all of these questions explicitly, but it should be clear from your response that you’ve thought critically about the data and what it means for our study of sexual deviance.
GROUP WORK #3: Homosexuality
As we know from our most recent mini lesson, homosexuality is a complex topic with many different scholarly and nonacademic perspectives. One of these perspectives is the mass media lens that we have been engaging with throughout our course. Do you think mass media (e.g., film, TV, news) have an impact on how people view homosexuality and/or sexual deviance more generally? If so, do you think media can be used to educate the public about deviance?

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