Exactly what is says: please submit a draft vision and mission for the new ventu

Exactly what is says: please submit a draft vision and mission for the new venture you’ve been asked to strategize about.
Here is the scenario:
You’ve just left a meeting with the CEO, who has asked you to lead a project. You’ll have to manage it for now with your current role, but the company has an opportunity to partner with an up-and-coming mobility startup to provide passenger, maintenance, and charging hubs for their planned launch.
To get to that point, though, the company needs a rock-solid strategy, including a vision and plan for the changes in business model. You’ve been tapped by the CEO herself as the person best suited to create the first draft. It doesn’t have to be perfect – but it is your career we’re talking about here!
This project needs to contain the core elements below, but the format is up to you. You might choose to write a strategy plan, create a slide deck, author a video, or build an immersive visual journey. Key to your success is that whatever methods you choose should be appropriate for presentation to an executive team and/or board. The format and presentation style is up to you, so long as it can be supported for viewing for feedback and grading. Questions, or need some help deciding your path? Let me know and I’ll happily help.
The elements you must incorporate in your strategy plan:
Background and culture of the company today
Your vision for the future and the values to support it
A mission and goals for the new venture
A change management overview
Proposed corporate structure
A basic strategic timeline
First-year objectives and a 3-5 year overview
Proposed performance indicators

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