Write a persuasive essay, op-ed piece, or letter of advocacy about a particular

Write a persuasive essay, op-ed piece, or letter of advocacy about a particular issue related to teachers, teaching, or teacher leadership about which you have a strong opinion. Select any one of these people or groups as your audience: principal, parents, local school board, newspaper, school of education dean at your local university of alma mater, state board of education or state superintendent of schools, member of the state legislature, the governor, and so on. Be sure to back up your opinion with data and/or facts and conclude with a concrete suggestion or two related to improving the issue, the teaching profession, and/or advancing teacher leadership. Follow the bulleted points below to structure your advocacy piece.
Describe your concern, issue, or request in simple, clear language.
If writing about specific legislation, say: “I am a constituent who cares about SB.5.”
State how you are personally affected.
Offer your opinion in the first 1 to 2 sentences.
Give 2 to 3 facts to back your opinion and/or provide links to 1 to 2 relevant articles.
Avoid using educational jargon or acronyms.
Demonstrate respect and courtesy throughout.
If writing to state or federal legislators, include your address, so they know you are a constituent.

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