Students are required to write a short paper (5-7 pages) using Clinton Rossiter’

Students are required to write a short paper (5-7 pages) using Clinton Rossiter’s argument to analyze one of the cases discussed in class. Your paper should contain the following: 1) a clear introduction; 2) a summery of the case that you are discussing; 3) a discussion of three dimensions of the case (use three arguments from the assigned readings by Rossitter to analyze three aspects of the case). The idea is that you can use Rossitter’s argument to analyze a court case and its potential effects on a democratic polity.
Grading Scale:
Ability to articulate a thesis 2 point
Textual evidence/discussion of
relevant passage (properly cited
assigned readings/include relevant
page citations) 14 points
Clarity of argument 2 points
Clear citation style 2 points

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