Research Proposal Instructions and Guidelines: Your research proposal topic must

Research Proposal Instructions and Guidelines:
Your research proposal topic must be the same as your literature review. The research proposal is divided into two parts:
1- The proposal that you upload on Blackboard (worth 20 points).
2- A PowerPoint to be used for your presentation (worth 10 points).
The proposal has to include the following headings:
Introduction and importance of your research subject.
Research Questions.
You do not need to include your literature review as you already have done it.
Hypothesis and Methodology.
Research Design.
Your research proposal must be written as per the following:
Introduction and importance of your research topic
4 pages for the review and the 5th page for references.
APA citation style.
12 size Times New Roman font.
500 words per page (except the reference page).
Your work will be checked for plagiarism or AI usage. Thus, any plagiarism in your work will result to a Zero for this assignment.
Requirements: 5 pages | .doc file

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