part one Healthy Eating and Nutrition Assignment lease find the link to the assi

part one
Healthy Eating and Nutrition Assignment
lease find the link to the assignment below. It will be due Sunday at 11:59pm.
It is worth 25 points. Rubric attached.
This week, instead of using the CA Education Guidelines, we will use a CA Department of Education program site. These are programs you could use to meet some of the health education standards. (This one would meet Standards under the content area of “Nutrition”.) We do need to practice making our lessons have measurable goals so that is also a focus of this assignment.
**You need to review and mark the SMART GOALS lesson as done before you can start the assignment.
Go to the HealthyEating&NutritionalEducation Website and choose one health programto integrate into your class.1.At the top of your page, give the name of the program you selected.2. For the introduction paragraph, give a short description of the program you chose andwhy it is important for the program to be included in an educational program.2. Design and describe the framework of lesson plan that integrates the program intoyour class. Include grade level, subject matter and a lesson plan with SMART goals.3. Include at least two SMART goals for the lesson
Link to the California Department of Education site for Health and Nutrition.Links to an external site.
To help everyone out, I did an example activity for you in the instructions. Use this as an example. It doesn’t need to be exactly this format but it should have all these components.
2 pts Program choice clearly listed
5 pts Why it is an important component of education and grade level. Use references to support any statistics.
10pts How you are working the program into your class
5 pts SMART goals for the lesson.
3 pts references
5pt bonus: list the CA standard for the grade level
More specifically it must:
1. An educational activity that relates to a California Healthy Eating and Nutrition programs from the link above. For example, “My activity integrates the CA Healthy Eating and Nutrition program of y. It is for student x age.” I will use these activities…
2. The activity needs to be interactive. Children need to be involved to learn. Just talking to students about health is part but cannot be all of it. Have them do something!
3.Please read the SMART goal handout. Goals must be measurable. It needs to be “by the end of the year child will be able to name 2 fruits, 2 vegetables” or By the end of the lesson the student will be able to name the levels of the food pyramid” It cannot be ” Students will learn about healthy eating”.
.part two
Discussion 2 Chapers 5,6 & 7 (Mental & Emotional Health/ Family & Social Health/ Growth and Development)
Our first discussion focused on WHAT needs to be taught for health education by using the California Department of Education Standards. This discussion focuses on HOW to do it. Much of what we do is learn from others and from resources!! Your book, classes like this, the internet, there are so many resources to give you ideas. This assignment is to help you use resources to integrate the concepts from chapter 5, 6 and 7 while we continue to work with the CA Standards.
Find an activity you would use to infuse the CA Education Content Area of Mental, Emotional and Social health (MSE) into a curriculum. You can pick a topic from Chapter 6: Family Relationships, Friendships, Sexual relationships/Abstinence, Marriage, or Parenthood or get inspired on your own. Pick a topic that is age related to your students, or the students you wish to teach. Use this link to help you find ideas. Mental and Social Health Lesson LinkLinks to an external site. Adjust the ideas to make them your own. DO Not just cut and paste or you will not get credit. A one paragraph short description is fine!
Include the Standard from the CA site for the grade you chose ( to an external site. ) in your write up.
2. Next, do the same showing how to integrate an activity or the concepts of Growth and Development. Be specific, don’t just say, “I can integrate growth and development into biology.” Again, use the chapter for ideas. This time, however, find your own resource to share. You must share the link where you found inspiration. Like the above, have the grade level (content is growth and development) and list what standard it meets for your grade level.
This should look a lot like Discussion 1! Now you are just showing where you can find ideas for areas. BOTH parts should have the below:
Content Area: (first will be mental, emotional and social health and the second will be growth and development)
Grade level: (Make sure you pick a grade that has M,E,S Health and GD as a content area. You focus on different ones in different grades)
Standard: Get used to always referencing this: to an external site.
Source: (I gave you as source for M.S, E Health to you in part 1, but part 2 needs this from you! Provide the link or page in the book.)
Post your original response to the discussion questions or prompts by THURSDAY. A late post reduces your score by 5 points. Please grammar and spell check your work before submitting. YOU CANNOT REPEAT THE SAME ACTIVITY SOMEONE ELSE HAS ALREADY POSTED.
Respond to a minimum of 2 other students.
D2 105
3pts Mental Health Activity (well explained, appropriate, interactive)
1pt grade level/standard
3 Growth and Development Activity (above)
1 grade level/standard

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