A nursing concept map is a tool used to organize information related to identifi

A nursing concept map is a tool used to organize information related to identified problems, contributing factors, interventions, desired outcomes, and many other topics. In community health, these topics are often related to vulnerable populations. During your clinical rotations for this course, you will be working with various vulnerable populations. This assignment is aimed at helping you think critically and holistically about population.
Select a vulnerable population you have worked with during your community health clinical rotations. This can be a small group such as a family or a larger group such as the population of a homeless shelter.
Create a Concept Map with your population or group in the center as your topic.
Include the following concepts:
Primary Problems
Contributing Factors
Social Determinants of Health
Potential Biases /implicit biases in nursing
Potential Issues related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Injustice
Risk factors or potential complications
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Interventions
Desired outcomes for the population
These are available resources for completing your concept maps. You may use any of these options, or any other concept mapping tools that you find. There are many kinds of concept maps. Discuss your ideas with your instructor if you have questions.
Draw by hand and upload a picture
Watch the video How to Make a Concept Map (8:30) to see an example of a concept map being created.Lucidchart. (2018, May 31). How to make a concept map [Video]. YouTube.
Concept Mapping: An Innovative Tool to Teach Critical Community Health Nursing Download Concept Mapping: An Innovative Tool to Teach Critical Community Health Nursing Dosani, A., Lind, C., & Loewen, S. (2019). Concept Mapping: An Innovative Tool to Teach Critical Community Health Nursing Using the Example of Population Health Promotion.

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